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杨冬冬1, 韩轶群1, 曹磊1, (加)布鲁斯·安德森2
关键词:  风景园林  居住小区  道路布局  雨洪管理韧性  产汇流过程  模拟
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51578367);教育部社科青年基金(编号 18YJCZH215); 天津市自然科学基金(编号 17JCYBJC21800);天津市创新平台项目(编号 17PTGCCX00200)
Research of Urban Community Road System Layout Optimization Strategy Based on Simulation Analysis of Generation and Concentration
YANG Dongdong1, HAN Yiqun1, CAO Lei1, (CAN) Bruce C. Anderson2
1.Tianjin University;2.Queen’s University
As a major component of hard underlying surfaces in a city, roads in communities are main sources of runoff and important channels for runoff discharge. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore the relationship between community roads with the runoff generation and concentration process, which helps to improve the stormwater management resilience of communities. Taking the communities in Tianjin as examples, this paper further discusses the whole process of runoff generation and concentration in four types of road layouts, which are the square grid type, cul-de-sac type, circular-gird type and circular-cul-de-sac type under different rainfall events by ArcGIS and SWMM software. The results provide useful and reasonable references and suggestions for the optimization of community road layouts to prevent flooding and support the establishment of sponge cities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  community  road layout  stormwater management resilience  generation and concentration  simulation
YANG Dongdong,HAN Yiqun,CAO Lei,(CAN) Bruce C. Anderson.Research of Urban Community Road System Layout Optimization Strategy Based on Simulation Analysis of Generation and Concentration[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(10):101-106.