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著:(荷兰)瑞克·德·菲索1, 译:金石雨2, 校:李卫芳
适应气候变化是景观设计中一个密切相关的主题,通过两个设计案例进行研究。1)“绿心”气候公园。体现了倡导的设计思想和区域性研究成果。“绿心”研究计划始于2010年,最初是为经济、农业和创新的综合创新网络部门制定。该计划建议:将填海造地和脆弱的泥炭地转变为“气候缓冲区”,使水系统更具弹性、减少土地沉降、抵御洪水,并通过恢复泥炭地来吸收CO2,有助于抵消温室效应。“气候缓冲区”也为800万居民增加了景观的多样性和吸引力。2)阿姆斯特尔兰专题研究。 阿姆斯特尔兰是紧靠阿姆斯特丹南部的一个具有吸引力的农村地区,也是“绿心国家景观”的一部分。“绿心”区域设计研究、阿姆斯特尔兰专题研究于2019年开展,由我们担任北荷兰、南荷兰和乌得勒支的空间质量省级顾问。阿姆斯特尔兰是“绿心”中一个具有文化和历史价值的开放式农业景观,沿经阿姆斯特尔河渗入阿姆斯特丹的城市肌理中。对于该区域探究了2种设计思路及方案。1)如何使农业景观具有可持续性且不受气候影响;2)将农业景观转变为自然景观并积极促进泥炭地的增长,会产生什么意义。这2个方案的目标一致,都旨在保留阿姆斯特尔兰,使之成为阿姆斯特丹周边城区的一处重要的开放空间。
关键词:  风景园林  区域规划  农业  自然发展  气候变化  适应气候变化  海平面上升  泥炭景观  土地沉降  城市可持续发展
Climate Adaption in National Landscape: Green Heart, Holland
Author: (NLD) Rik de Visser1, Translator: JIN Shiyu2, Proofreader: LI Weifang
1.Vista Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning;2.San Yet-sen University
Climate adaptation is an extremely relevant theme for landscape architecture. This article is based on 2 design studies. The first is our manifesto and regional study “Climate Park Green Heart”. This plan was originally developed in 2010 for the Innovation Network Ministry of Economics, Agriculture and Innovation. In this plan we propose to convert land reclamation sites and vulnerable peat areas into climate buffers that make the water system more resilient, reduce soil subsidence, protect against flooding and capture CO2 through peat restoration and thus help counteract the greenhouse effect. The climate buffers increase the diversity and attractiveness of the landscape for 8 million inhabitants. The second study focuses on Amstelland. This region is an attractive rural area immediately south of Amsterdam. The area is part of the Green Heart National Landscape. Regional design research Green Heart, Case Study Amstelland was carried out in 2019 on behalf of the Provincial Advisors on Spatial Quality of Nort Holland, South Holland and Utrecht. The Amstelland is a culturally and historically valuable open agricultural landscape in the Green Heart that penetrates the urban fabric of Amsterdam along the Amstel River. We have investigated 2 scenarios for this area: 1) How can we make the agricultural landscape sustainable and climate-proof and 2) what it means to convert this agricultural landscape into nature and to actively encourage peat growth. Both scenarios also have the objective of preserving the Amstelland as a valuable open space for the surrounding urban area for Amsterdam.
Key words:  landscape architecture  regional planning  agriculture  nature development  climate change  climate adaptation  sea level rise  peat landscape  soil subsidence  sustainable urban development
Author: (NLD) Rik de Visser,Translator: JIN Shiyu,Proofreader: LI Weifang.Climate Adaption in National Landscape: Green Heart, Holland[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(12):8-20.