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杜爽, 韩锋*, 马蕊
自然圣境(sacred natural sites,简称SNS)是自然保护地体系的重要构成,也是典型的文化景观。它们作为人与自然互动的历史记录,所蕴藏的文化价值是其赖以存在的根基。从单纯的自然保护到融合文化价值的整体性保护,反观国外SNS保护工作的方向性转变,有助于在全球发展主义时代背景下从“术”的层面重新审视中国SNS保护工作中面临的诸多挑战,对于推进中国生态文明建设具有重大意义。从世界遗产角度,在阐述SNS概念的基础上,全面梳理不同国际组织机构参与下的SNS保护实践进展;总结目前在其保护中涉及的景观方法和生物文化多样性方法等主流保护方法;最后指出在国家公园体制背景下,充分开展本土SNS基础调研,完善相关规划并确立保护条例,在遗产地可持续发展的基础上协调SNS中的人际间及人与其他物种的公平关系是中国SNS保护成功的关键。
关键词:  风景园林  自然圣境  自然保护地  文化景观  生物文化多样性
基金项目:科技部国家重点研发计划课题(编号 2016YFC0503308);国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(编号 51608369)
Progress and Representative Methods in Foreign Sacred Natural Site Conservation from World Heritage Perspective
DU Shuang, HAN Feng*, MA Rui
Tongji University
Sacred natural sites (SNS), an important component of the natural protected area system, are also a typical cultural landscape. They are historical records of interactions between man and nature, and their cultural values are the foundation upon which they exist. From simple natural protection to the integrated protection of cultural values, a review of directional transformation of SNS conservation practice in foreign countries helps us to reexamine the challenges faced in SNS conservation in our country from the perspective of ‘methods’ in the context of globalization developments, and it is of great significance for promoting the construction of ecological civilization in China. On the basis of expounding the concept of SNS, this paper, from the world heritage angle, comprehensively sorts out the progress of SNS protection with the participation of various international organizations. It summarizes the mainstream methodologies involved in the conservation, such as the landscape method and biocultural diversity method. Finally, it points out that in the context of the national park system, the keys to the success of SNS conservation in China are to fully carry out the basic research of local SNS, improve relevant planning and establish protection regulations, and coordinate the fair relationship among people, and between people and other species in SNS on the basis of sustainable development.
Key words:  landscape architecture  sacred natural sites (SNS)  natural protected area  cultural landscape  biocultural diversity
DU Shuang,HAN Feng*,MA Rui.Progress and Representative Methods in Foreign Sacred Natural Site Conservation from World Heritage Perspective[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(12):85-90.