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常湘琦, 朱育帆
关键词:  风景园林  教育  Studio  景观设计  清华大学
Review on Development of MLA Program of Landscape Architecture Design Studio in Tsinghua University
CHANG Xiangqi, ZHU Yufan
Tsinghua University
This paper introduces the background, teaching objectives, curriculum system, teaching contents and teaching team of the master’s degree course of the Landscape Architecture Design Studio in the school of architecture, Tsinghua University. There are three development courses since the curriculum was set up in 2005, which are separated into the initial stage in 2005, the exploration stage from 2006 to 2010 and the international exchange stage since 2011. To date, there are four characteristics of the master’s degree course of landscape architecture design studio: the cutting-edge complexity of topic selection, the internationalization of course organization, the breaking of industry boundaries and education system barriers, and the focus on the integrity of design logic and course progress. It also looks forward to new missions of landscape architecture education from the perspectives of meeting new environmental challenges, consolidating China’s localization, and new world issues faced by landscape architects.
Key words:  landscape architecture  education  Studio  landscape design  Tsinghua University
CHANG Xiangqi,ZHU Yufan.Review on Development of MLA Program of Landscape Architecture Design Studio in Tsinghua University[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(S2):35-40.