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董楠楠, 胡倩倩, 吴静
关键词:  风景园林  全方位  育人  立体园林技术  “两库两课”
“Two Databases and Two Courses” on Vertical Greening Technology under All-round Education Mode
DONG Nannan, HU Qianqian, WU Jing
Tongji University
The “all-staff education, whole-process education and all-round education” concept is not only a new mechanism of college student ideological and political education, but also provide a reference for the training of professional talents in the new era. With the progress of digital technology, the construction of a comprehensive teaching system will better cultivate the independent learning and innovation abilities of students. Taking the innovation direction of vertical greening technology as the main line, and through the sharing of completed cases, the collection of experimental data and the digital application of design analysis, and relying on relevant lab resources and teaching base of the Built Environment Technology Center of CAUP, this paper constructs the all-round education model for achieving the technical evidence-based goal of multiple teaching modules with “two databases and two courses”.
Key words:  landscape architecture  all-round  education  vertical greening technology  “two databases and two courses”
DONG Nannan,HU Qianqian,WU Jing.“Two Databases and Two Courses” on Vertical Greening Technology under All-round Education Mode[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(S2):84-88.