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文晨1, (德)克里斯汀·阿尔伯特2, (德)克里斯蒂娜·冯·哈伦2
关键词:  风景园林  景观规划  德国  社会变化  国土空间规划
Stability and Change: Basic Functions of German Landscape Planning in Spatial Planning and Challenges under Social Changes
WEN Chen1, (DEU) Christian Albert2, (DEU) Christina Von Haaren2
1.Huazhong University of Science and Technology;2.University Hannover
China’s national territory spatial planning is undergoing structural reform. Its updated planning-making system requires insights and methodologies from landscape architecture. This study provides a primer on German landscape planning and reflections on its relevance for China by summarizing relevant literature. Germany practices the spatial planning system with a strong focus on landscape planning to promote sustainable development. The results summarize the basic targets, levels, functions and modules of German landscape planning, as well as its responses to current social changes. The German experiences are worth considering for China, especially the modular task construction, the establishment of a system of environmental objectives at all scale levels, and the integration with ecosystem services to expand its abilities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape planning  Germany social changes  national territory spatial planning
WEN Chen,(DEU) Christian Albert,(DEU) Christina Von Haaren.Stability and Change: Basic Functions of German Landscape Planning in Spatial Planning and Challenges under Social Changes[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(1):41-46.