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谭敏洁1, 郭巍2, 蒋鑫2
关键词:  风景园林  传统人居  乡土景观  河谷盆地
Research on Vernacular Landscape of Basin Valleys in Middle and Upper Reaches of Puyang River
TAN Minjie1, GUO Wei2, JIANG Xin2
1.China Academy of Urban Planning & Design;2.Beijing Forestry University
Basin valleys, which are formed by the impact of the river system, often have a relatively closed regional environment. The interaction between man and environment turns it into a unique vernacular landscape. Taking the vernacular landscape of the middle and upper reaches of basin valley of Puyang River in Zhejiang Province as a case study, this paper divides the target area into two landscape types according to the interactions between man and nature: the lake area and the plain area. From the perspective of landscape architecture, it expounds the constituent elements and spatial pattern characteristics of the two types from natural basement, farmland-water conservancy system and settlement system and, through the typical settlement samples, further reveals the relationship between each system layer and the coupling relationship mechanism between the vernacular landscape pattern and process.
Key words:  landscape architecture  traditional human settlement  vernacular landscape  basin valley
TAN Minjie,GUO Wei,JIANG Xin.Research on Vernacular Landscape of Basin Valleys in Middle and Upper Reaches of Puyang River[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(1):70-76.