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何格1, 肖扬2, 吴蓉3, 刘晔4
关键词:  风景园林  社会公平  弱势群体  公园可达性  广州市
Study on Urban Park Accessibility in Guangzhou from the Perspective of Social Equity
HE Ge1, XIAO Yang2, WU Rong3, LIU Ye4
1.Nanjing University;2.Tongji University;3.Guangdong University of Technololgy;4.Sun Yat-Sen University
The social equity of urban green space has become an important issue to be studied urgently considering the background of China's market economy transformation and the rapid differentiation of the housing market. This paper cites Guangzhou as a case city to divide the target population and make relevant analysis from three dimensions of demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status and social spatial structure. It applies the spatial clustering analysis to evaluate the similarity and difference between the spatial patterns of park accessibility among different social groups, and adopts the independent sample test to examine the correlation, revealing the connection between urban park spatial imbalance and social spatial differentiation from the perspective of social equity. The result shows that due to the urban green space planning strategies, the groups with low incomes are not inferior in terms of park accessibility. However, the practitioners in low-end occupations are still vulnerable in the process of overall allocation of park resources, which calls for more attention.
Key words:  landscape architecture  social equity  vulnerable groups  park accessibility  Guangzhou
HE Ge,XIAO Yang,WU Rong,LIU Ye.Study on Urban Park Accessibility in Guangzhou from the Perspective of Social Equity[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(1):90-96.