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学术界对园林假山营造的理论同历史、遗存及现实状况存在差异,需要我们重新认识叠山造园的典范。 在曹汛研究成果的基础上,进一步探讨张南垣叠山造园所面临的问题及应对的策略,指出张南垣以真山境界为目标,通过“以少胜多”的方法,达到“境生象外”的画意,获得“园在山中”的体验,从而出色地实现了中国文化中的山水栖居理想。张氏叠山在中国园林史上的意义,不仅在于所达到的造园艺术成就和 引发的造园风格变革,还在于造园追求上的高度,以及其创新方法同这一目标的极佳匹配。张氏叠山是园林史发展至当时所能达到的最具艺术审美价值和实践可操作性的造园方法,为后世树立了杰出典范。其后 历史上的多位叠山造园师继承并发展了他的方法,也为当代高品质的叠山造园提供了指引。
关键词:  中国园林史  假山  叠山造园  张南垣  传承与发展
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51678133)
Garden in Mountain: Further Probe into Significance and Inheritance of Zhang Nanyuan’s Rockery and Garden Making
GU Kai
Southeast University
There exists the difference between the theory of garden rockery making in academic circles and conditions in the history, heritages and contemporary practices. This requires us to rethink the models of rockery and garden making. Based on Cao Xun’s study, this paper discusses the problems confronting Zhang Nanyuan, a rockery and garden making master, and his solutions. It points out that Zhang, aiming at the real mountain realms, applied the method of “doing more with less” to reach the artistic inspiration of “conception beyond image” and the experience of “garden in mountain”. In this way, he ideally fulfilled the dream of the literati to dwell on the mountain and water. Zhang’s rockery making was of great significance in Chinese garden history, as it achieved marvelous artistic merits in the art of gardening, led to revolution in landscape architecture styles, reached a height in pursuit of garden making, and the excellent matching of the innovative approach to this goal. Zhang's rockery making was of the highest artistic aesthetic value and practical operationality that was attainable at that time in the history of Chinese gardens. It set an outstanding example for the later generations. Later, many garden making masters inherited and developed Zhang’s idea and method, providing guidance for contemporary garden rockery making with high quality.
Key words:  Chinese garden history  artificial mountain  rockery and garden making  Zhang Nanyuan  inheritance and development
GU Kai.Garden in Mountain: Further Probe into Significance and Inheritance of Zhang Nanyuan’s Rockery and Garden Making[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(2):13-19.