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沈瑶1, 黄晓2, 鲍沁星1
杭州飞来峰与中国园林叠石假山(简称叠山)的发展演变密切相关,南宋文献记载中多次出现了皇 家园林以“西湖第一山林”飞来峰作为园林叠山的写仿蓝本。在文献不清晰、考古材料不足的情况下,依靠飞来峰的历史图像整理与分析,从图考园林的角度和方法解读古人眼中的杭州飞来峰视觉形象特征:山 体露骨、洞窟玲珑、奇石累累,并不是从字面上认识的置石立峰,而是把飞来峰作为一个整体。结合飞来峰相关文献、实物遗存等资料,探究古人是如何具体参照杭州飞来峰叠山造园,进一步揭示其在中国园林叠山史上的重要价值。
关键词:  风景园林  园林史  园林绘画  杭州飞来峰  古典园林  叠山
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 31770754);国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号 51708029)
Research on Historical Visual Images of Hangzhou’s Feilaifeng Hill, a Chief Source of Rockery Art in Classical Gardens
SHEN Yao1, HUANG Xiao2, BAO Qinxing1
1.Zhejiang A & F University;2.Beijing Forestry University
Hangzhou’s Feilaifeng Hill is closely related to the rockery art origin in Chinese classical gardens. In the literature records of the Southern Song Dynasty, there were many cases showing royal gardens used Hangzhou’s Feilaifeng Hill, “the best hill landscape around the West Lake”, as a reference of rockery art. In the case of unclear documents and insufficient archaeological materials, this paper relies on the sorting and analysis of historical paintings of Hangzhou’s Feilaifeng Hill to analyze its visual images in the eyes of the ancients from the perspective and method of landscape paintings: exposed mountains, exquisite caves, and peculiar stones. The ancients took Feilaifeng Hill as a whole rather than a stone peak literally. Based on the literature records and remains of Hangzhou’s Feilaifeng Hill, this paper explores how the ancients referred Hangzhou’s Feilaifeng Hill to build a rockery garden and further reveals the value of Hangzhou’s Feilaifeng Hill.
Key words:  landscape architecture  history of landscape architecture  landscape painting  Hangzhou’s Feilaifeng Hill  classical garden  rockery art
SHEN Yao,HUANG Xiao,BAO Qinxing.Research on Historical Visual Images of Hangzhou’s Feilaifeng Hill, a Chief Source of Rockery Art in Classical Gardens[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(2):38-44.