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朱玲1, 刘一达1, 王睿1, 叶峰辛2
新自然主义种植理念下,草本植物群落以低维护和长周期的显著优势在生态智慧城市的建设和城市拟自然景观营造中扮演着越来越重要的角色,因此亟须探索该生态种植理念下草本植物群落空间设计 的创新型方法以指导城市拟自然景观的营造。综述新自然主义种植理念下草本植物群落空间设计的发展 历程和群落空间设计原则,通过分析新自然主义种植理念下典型草本植物群落种植空间设计案例,归纳每种类型草本植物在群落空间设计中的作用,并以生态种植草本实验基地的4个稳定的草本植物组合为 实例,总结4种草本植物群落的空间设计模式,以期将新型草本植物群落生态种植范式应用到未来城市拟自然景观空间的营造中。
关键词:  风景园林  新自然主义种植  草本植物群落  群落空间  花期
Research on Herbaceous Community Space under Neo-naturalistic Planting Concept
ZHU Ling1, LIU Yida1, WANG Rui1, YE Fengxin2
1.Shenyang Jianzhu University;2.Zhejiang Tongren Architectural Design Co.,Ltd
Under the concept of neo-naturalism, herbaceous plant community plays an increasingly more important role in the construction of ecological smart cities and urban quasi-natural landscape because of the remarkable advantages of low maintenance and long cycle. Therefore, it is urgent to explore innovative methods of spatial design of herbal plant community under the concept of ecological planting in order to guide the construction of urban quasi-natural landscape. This paper reviews cases on planting space design of typical herbaceous plant communities under the concept of neo-naturalism planting, summarizes the role of each type of herbaceous plants in community spatial design. Taking four stable herbaceous plant combinations in our ecological herbaceous experimental base as examples, the paper summarizes the spatial design patterns of four herbaceous plant communities, which are expected to contribute to the application of the ecological planting paradigm of new herbal plant community to the construction of urban quasi-natural landscape space in the future.
Key words:  landscape architecture  neo-naturalistic planting  herbaceous plant community  community space  flowering season
ZHU Ling,LIU Yida,WANG Rui,YE Fengxin.Research on Herbaceous Community Space under Neo-naturalistic Planting Concept[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(2):72-76.