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沈姗姗, 黄胜孟, 史琰, 包志毅
垂直绿化在增加城市绿量的同时,也具有极高的审美效益。相关研究仅从使用评价角度对现状进行总结,未形成系统的垂直绿化设计方法。以景观偏好理论为基础,利用照片模拟不同密度、色彩、质感、视觉比例、图案造型等要素的商业建筑外立面垂直绿化,以此为基础进行问卷调研,对影响城市垂直绿化景观公众审美偏好的主要因素进行归纳,并提出设计建议。研究发现植物色彩丰富度、叶片质感及面域比等都在很大程度上影响垂直绿化的审美偏好。植物配置的选择应多植物组合,优先选取可观花、叶片质感光滑的植物, 叶片大小以3∶5∶2的面域比为宜;图案造型的设计须充分考虑场地特征,以规则的种植形式为主,实现最佳的景观美感。
关键词:  风景园林  景观偏好  垂直绿化  照片模拟  问卷调研
基金项目:浙江省科技计划项目(编号 2019C02023);浙江省自然科学基金(编号LY19C160007)
Research on Urban Vertical Greening Design Method Based on Landscape Preference Theory
SHEN Shanshan, HUANG Shengmeng, SHI Yan, BAO Zhiyi
Zhejiang A & F University
Vertical greening has great aesthetic benefits while increasing the green amount of a city. The relevant research only summarizes the current situation from the perspective of use evaluation, and does not form a systematic vertical greening design method. Based on the landscape preference theory, this paper uses photos to simulate the vertical greening of the facades of commercial buildings with different density, color, texture, visual proportion and pattern modeling. It further conducts a questionnaire survey to summarize the main factors affecting the public aesthetic preference of urban vertical greening landscape, and puts forward design suggestions. The study finds that plant color richness, leaf texture and area ratio all affect the aesthetic preference for vertical greening to a great extent. The selection of plant configuration should be multi-plant combination, the plants are preferable of blossoms and smooth leaf texture, the leaf size is preferably 3:5:2 in ratio. The design of pattern modelling should fully consider the site characteristics, mainly in the form of regular planting, to realize the best landscape aesthetics.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape preference  vertical greening  photo simulation  questionnaire survey
SHEN Shanshan,HUANG Shengmeng,SHI Yan,BAO Zhiyi.Research on Urban Vertical Greening Design Method Based on Landscape Preference Theory[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(2):100-105.