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尹航1, 张超2, 赵鸣1
关键词:  风景园林  景观序列  田野调查  地理信息系统  胶东半岛  山岳道家  文化景观
Sequential “Landscape Routes” of Taoistic Cultural Landscape in Mountainous Areas of Jiaodong Peninsula
YIN Hang1, ZHANG Chao2, ZHAO Ming1
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.China Academy of Urban Planning and Design
Jiaodong Peninsula is a major cradle of Taoism due to its unique geographical location surrounded by sea on three sides. During the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, the Quanzhen Taoism sect was founded in the place, leading to the rapid development of the mountain Taoism cultural landscape. Under the influence of the special natural climate, resources and geographical condition, Taoist cultural landscape in the mountainous area presented the "sequential” characteristics, and its landscape elements were closely related to the Taoist innerDan cultivation techniques, shaping several “mountain landscape routes”. Through field researches, mapping and interviews, this paper explores the environmental base characteristics and cultural connotations of the “mountain landscape routes”, sums up its landscape gradation and elements composition, and analyzes its spatial characteristics and node layout. The research has discovered the underlying law for mountain Taoism cultural landscapes in Jiaodong Peninsula, which provides new perspectives for the local landscape protection and reference for other regions of likewise landscapes.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape sequence  fieldwork  GIS  Jiaodong peninsula  mountain taoism  cultural landscape
YIN Hang,ZHANG Chao,ZHAO Ming.Sequential “Landscape Routes” of Taoistic Cultural Landscape in Mountainous Areas of Jiaodong Peninsula[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(2):110-115.