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赵晓龙1, 邱璇2, 徐靖然3, 侯韫婧4
关键词:  风景园林  绿色空间  使用行为  环境认知  研究方法
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51878206);黑龙江省科技攻关项目(编号 GZ15A510)
Review of Research Methods for Green Spatial Behavioral Activities and Environmental Cognition
ZHAO Xiaolong1, QIU Xuan2, XU Jingran3, HOU Yunjing4
1.Suzhou University;2.Harbin Institute of Technology,;3.Utrecht University;4.Northeast Forestry University
Behavioral activity and environmental cognition, as the explicit response and internal mechanism of interactions between human and environment, are essential for human-scale green space design. Based on the theory of environment-behavior studies (EBS), this paper reviews the existing research methods and contents home and abroad from two perspectives: behavioral activities and environmental cognition. The behavioral activity level mainly includes four methods: self-reporting, direct observation, location identification technology and location service technology, which describe the behavioral characteristics in the green space. The environmental cognition level mainly includes three methods: subjective description, experimental design and mobile internet technology, which deeply interpret the motivations for behavioral activities in the green space. Through comparative analysis of the application mode, applicable scale and research content of the research methods, this research has found that relevant researches experienced a progressive process from qualitative study of the micro-scale space to metrological analysis of the multi-scale space, which gradually transfers the focus from “subjective description” and “objective explanation” to “multi-source data exploration”. It aims to provide method references for human-based landscape architecture researches.
Key words:  landscape architecture  green space  behavior  environmental cognition  research method
ZHAO Xiaolong,QIU Xuan,XU Jingran,HOU Yunjing.Review of Research Methods for Green Spatial Behavioral Activities and Environmental Cognition[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(3):56-62.