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谭立, 黄楚梨, 李慧, 林箐
关键词:  风景园林  山地风景道规划  GIS  监督分类  可视性分析  视域分析  视觉幅度
Research on Visual Relationship Evaluation of Trails in Complex Terrains
TAN Li, HUANG Chuli, LI Hui, LIN Qing
Beijing Forestry University
In landscape planning and design, visual relationship has always been an important content of analytical research. In a mountainous or hilly environment with complex terrains, tools such as GIS can help planners make better decisions. At present, GIS, a geographic analyzing tool, has been widely applied to the visibility analysis of various industries. However, in the field of landscape architecture planning, especially linear spatial planning, GIS view analysis methods and considerations are still relatively single. This paper takes G247, a tourist highway in the city of Zigong as an example, introducing various evaluation parameters such as cumulative field of view and visual amplitude. Based on the ArcGIS and ENVI platforms, coupled with GIS tools, python programming and remote sensing image supervised classification and interpretation, this research adopts three levels including surface type, visibility of terrain and spatial characteristics are used to study the road landscape evaluation and control methods in typical mountainous and hilly areas in Southwest China. It provides methods for expanding and improving the application of the GIS technology in linear visual relationship evaluation planning.
Key words:  landscape architecture  mountain landscape route planning  GIS  supervised classification  visibility analysis  view shed analysis  visual magnitude
TAN Li,HUANG Chuli,LI Hui,LIN Qing.Research on Visual Relationship Evaluation of Trails in Complex Terrains[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(3):75-79.