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汪瑞军, 成玉宁
关键词:  风景园林  建成环境  道路绿带  生境  街谷空间  光照  局地风  绿带土壤
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号 51838003)
Research on Characteristics of Road Greenbelt Habitat in Built Environment
WANG Ruijun, CHENG Yuning
Southeast University
The spatial characteristics of both green space itself and its surroundings have an important effect on the shaping of plant habitats. Taking road greenbelts in built environment as the research object, and applying digital simulation and filed sampling survey, the study analyzed the characteristics of main habitat factors, including illumination, local wind, soil moisture, soil physical and chemical properties, and discussed their relationship with the road greenbelt spatial factors. It is found that the illumination factor and local wind condition are closely related to the street canyon shape and greenbelt locations on the roads; and the soil moisture and its pH value are significantly correlated with the widths of greenbelts. The habitat research provides scientific basis for greenbelt plant construction, leading to a bidirectional adaptation between planting design and site design.
Key words:  landscape architecture  built environment  road greenbelt  habitat  street canyon  illumination  local wind  greenbelt soil
WANG Ruijun,CHENG Yuning.Research on Characteristics of Road Greenbelt Habitat in Built Environment[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(4):56-61.