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李雄, 张云路, 木皓可, 章瑞
关键词:  风景园林  人居环境  公共健康  公共卫生事件  新型冠状病毒肺炎  响应对策  城市绿地系统
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(编号 51908034);国家重点研发计划(编号2019YFD1100402,2019YFF0303204)
Vision and Mission: Landscape Architecture in Response to Public Health
LI Xiong, ZHANG Yunlu, MU Haoke, ZHANG Rui
Beijing Forestry University
As an important discipline for the construction of human settlements, landscape architecture provides important support for establishing a public security system for urban and rural spaces and promoting the health of residents. This research starts with unified development of landscape architecture and public health, and explores the supporting content and system of landscape architecture in promoting public health. It is of great significance for the development of the discipline. First, it analyzes the major public health crisis and the new situation of health risks at the present stage, and clarifies the significance of landscape architecture as the green infrastructure being capable of providing qualified public health services. Second, it explores three impact mechanisms, i.e., space & policies, factors & behaviors, landscape & emotion, of landscape architecture in promoting public health. It further discusses three major responses, i.e., supply, prevention and adjustment, of landscape architecture in actively responding to urban public health and coping with the urban public health crisis. Finally, it puts forward suggestions in three dimensions for supporting public health with landscape architecture: enriching disciplinary theory, improving green space supply, and innovating technological means. It is hoped to provide professional support for building a healthy and livable environment.
Key words:  landscape architecture  human settlement  public health  public health event  COVID-19  countermeasure  urban green space system
LI Xiong,ZHANG Yunlu,MU Haoke,ZHANG Rui.Vision and Mission: Landscape Architecture in Response to Public Health[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(4):91-94.