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关键词:  风景园林  城市公共卫生  瘟疫  黑死病  霍乱  城市公园  景观公正性
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金(编号 18YJC760146);北京市共建项目;北京林业大学建设世界一流学科和特色发展引导专项基金(编号 2019XKJS0317)
Pestilence, Urban Public Health and Landscape Architecture: Impacts of Two Severe Infectious Diseases on Urban Public Health and Landscape Architecture in British History
Beijing Forestry University
In history, the pestilence cost mankind dearly. But after the epidemic outbreak, people constantly reflected, improved and strengthened construction in various fields. This brought considerable opportunities for the development of cities, public health and landscape. In the process of dealing with major urban public health events, Britain, like many countries, suffered devastating attacks. It also had its own particularity, which resulted in many special factors to affect the historical development process of world cities and landscape architecture. In this paper, we select two infectious disease events in the British history, namely the Black Death and Cholera, to review the impacts of pestilence on urban reconstruction, public health reform and landscape architecture development. It proposes that pestilence is a double-edged sword of natural ecology, which reverses the construction of public health and promotes the legislation of environment and public space. The response to the pestilence has promoted the development of landscape justice from one aspect, and made people reexamine the relationship between man and nature. It will provide experience and reference for cities to respond to major public health events.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban public health  pestilence  Black Death  Cholera  city park  landscape justice
ZHAO Jing.Pestilence, Urban Public Health and Landscape Architecture: Impacts of Two Severe Infectious Diseases on Urban Public Health and Landscape Architecture in British History[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(4):101-105.