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黄晓1, 刘珊珊2, 秦绍楹
关键词:  风景园林  历史与理论  张南垣  造园叠山家  《张处士墓志铭》
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(编号 51708029);高密度人居环境生态与节能教育部重点实验室(同济大学)开放课题(编号 2019020306);教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(编号18YJC760146)
Life, Family and Friends of Zhang Nanyuan: New Discovery of the Epitaph of Zhang Nanyuan (Zhang Chu Shi Mu Zhi Ming) by Qiao Lai
HUANG Xiao1, LIU Shanshan2, QIN Shaoying
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.Tongji University
The life and works of Zhang Nanyuan, a famous garden designer who was active in the 17th century, is an important topic in Chinese garden history. The discovery of his epitaph (Zhang Chu Shi Mu Zhi Ming) written by Qiao Lai has brought important new historical evidence for the research. Based on the new information provided by the epitaph and a study of the historical texts using the textual method of history-source and chronology, the paper analyzes this topic from six aspects: the relationship between Qiao Lai and Zhang’s family, the correct character of Zhang’s given name, his ancestral home in Songjiang Huating, his family tradition of garden design, the genealogy of his family, and his relationship with three literati friends. The results contribute to an in-depth understanding of Zhang Nanyuan’s achievements in garden history, update the framework of the research of Zhang Nanyuan, and reveal the family, social and cultural operating mechanisms behind Chinese traditional garden design practices..
Key words:  landscape architecture  history and theory  Zhang Nanyuan  Garden and Rockery Mountain designer  Zhang Chu Shi Mu Zhi Ming
HUANG Xiao,LIU Shanshan,QIN Shaoying.Life, Family and Friends of Zhang Nanyuan: New Discovery of the Epitaph of Zhang Nanyuan (Zhang Chu Shi Mu Zhi Ming) by Qiao Lai[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(4):118-125.