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(荷兰)阿扬·范提默伦1, 沈锋2
以阿姆斯特丹AMS研究所的研究、教育和项目的组合为基础。AMS研究所是一个由代尔夫特理工大学(Delft University of Technology, TUD)、波士顿麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT)和瓦赫宁根大学(Wageningen University and Research, WUR)发起的跨学科知识机构。在AMS研究所,大都市解决方案是对城市可持续性和生活质量挑战的回应,同时以“四螺旋”的平衡方式将该领域最聪明的人才汇聚在一起,为大都市解决方案提供创新。这些创新在城市中的试点项目和实验中进行测试和演示,并将对市民的生活产生积极影响。将解释说明AMS研究所的“生活实验室”(living lab)的工作方式、所解决的挑战以及当前开发的一些项目(解决方案)。以期在城市领域中高度创新的项目上建立中荷对等的知识交流与合作,来应对我们面临的巨大挑战。
关键词:  城市设计  可持续  公正  宜居性  生活实验室
Towards Sustainable, Just and Livable Smart Cities: A Dutch Perspective
(NLD) Arjan van Timmeren1, SHEN Feng2
1.Delft University of Technology;2.Tsinghua University
This article builds upon the research, education and project portfolio of the AMS Institute in Amsterdam: an interdisciplinary knowledge institute initiated by TU Delft (Delft University of Technology), MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Boston and Wageningen UR (Wageningen University and Research). At AMS Institute, metropolitan solutions are responses to the urban challenges of sustainability and quality of life, while bringing the field’s brightest minds together in a balanced way representing the quadruple helix, to create innovations for metropolitan solutions, tested and demonstrated in pilot projects and experiments in the city that will have a positive impact on the life of citizens. In this article both the Living Lab way of working of AMS Institute, the challenges addressed and some of the many projects (solutions) developed at the moment are explained. The outlook is to set up a Sino-Dutch peer-to-peer knowledge exchange and collaboration on highly innovative projects in the urban domain addressing the tremendous challenges that lie ahead of us.
Key words:  urban design  sustainable  just  livable  living lab
(NLD) Arjan van Timmeren,SHEN Feng.Towards Sustainable, Just and Livable Smart Cities: A Dutch Perspective[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(5):30-40.