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(希腊)玛利亚·凯卡1, 宋岩2, 陈崇贤3
关键词:  冲突  分歧  人居三大会  包容性  指标  《新城市议程》  政治生态  韧性  安全  智慧城市  社会创新  可持续  可持续发展目标11
基金项目:欧盟第七研发框架计划“玛丽·居里行动计划”(ENTITLE,编号 289374)
“Don’t Call Me Resilient Again!”: The UN Habitat New Urban Agenda as Immunology
(GRC) Maria Kaika1, SONG Yan2, CHEN Chongxian3
1.University of Amsterdam;2.Delft University of Technology;3.South China Agricultural University
The Habitat III Conference’s New Urban Agenda hails a “paradigm shift” for pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the new call for “safe, resilient, sustainable and inclusive cities” remains path dependent on old methodological tools (e.g. indicators), techno-managerial solutions (e.g. smart cities), and institutional frameworks of an ecological modernization paradigm that did not work. Pursuing a new urban paradigm within this old framework can only act as immunology: it vaccinates citizens and environments so that they can take larger doses of inequality and degradation in the future; it mediates the effects of global socio-environmental inequality, but does little towards alleviating it. Indeed, an increasing number of communities across the world now decline these immunological offers. Instead, they rupture path dependency and establish effective alternative methods for accessing housing, healthcare, sanitation, etc. I argue that real smart solutions and real social innovation are to be found not in consensus-building exercises, but in these dissensus practices that act as living indicators of what/where urgently needs to be addressed.
Key words:  conflict  dissensus  Habitat III  inclusiveness  indicators  New Urban Agenda  political ecology  resilience  safety  smart city  social innovation  sustainability  Sustainable Development Goal 11
(GRC) Maria Kaika,SONG Yan,CHEN Chongxian.“Don’t Call Me Resilient Again!”: The UN Habitat New Urban Agenda as Immunology[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(5):52-58.