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张洋1, 夏舫2, 李长霖3
关键词:  风景园林  智慧公园  智慧综合信息平台  智慧管理系统  智慧服务系统
Research on the Construction Framework of Smart Park: A Case Study of Intelligent Renovation of Beijing Haidian Park
ZHANG Yang1, XIA Fang2, LI Changlin3
1.Shanghai Jiao Tong University;2.Haidian Park Administration.;3.Beijing Dream Deck Science and Technology Co., LTD.
Park is essential for urban green space system, and has become increasingly prominent in recent years. This research presented a tactful approach for smart park to illustrate its construction concept and technology framework by analyzing existing problems, such as the low degree of delicacy management and unsatisfactory visitor experience. And this essay proposed its core framework, including smart comprehensive information platform, smart management system and smart service system. The smart management system should include smart ecological monitoring, smart management and maintenance, energy management, smart security, etc.. The smart service system should include smart tour, landscape interactive device, smart fitness facilities, smart service facilities, etc.. Taking Beijing Haidian Park as an example, we implemented some specific applications on urban park with smart technology based on three layers of core framework, to provide insight reference for future urban smart park’s construction.
Key words:  landscape architecture  smart park  smart comprehensive information platform  smart management system  smart service system
ZHANG Yang,XIA Fang,LI Changlin.Research on the Construction Framework of Smart Park: A Case Study of Intelligent Renovation of Beijing Haidian Park[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(5):78-87.