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关键词:  计算机科学  风景园林  混合生态系统  响应式景观  数字模型
Computer Science and Landscape Architecture: Interview with Professor Bradley Cantrell, Director of the Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Virginia
ZHANG Shiyang
Beijing Forestry University
Professor Bradly has a dual academic background in landscape architecture and computer science. He has taught in many universities in the United States and conducted a number of researches, teaching and practice combining computer science and landscape architecture. He believes that computers should not only help us understand the way nature and the environmental process work, but also allow them to interact directly. He talked about the concept of the third intelligence, which he believed would provide a new way for us to think about the forms and patterns of the landscape in the short term, while in the long term, it would help us to understand the meaning of landscape forms and provide strategies for maintaining or creating new ecosystems. In addition, he said that computer education in landscape architecture should not only focus on the application of tools, but also rely on students to understand the application of computer technology in different fields of landscape architecture and use digital methods to comprehend landscape and nature.
Key words:  computer science  landscape architecture  hybrid/robotic ecosystem  responsive landscape  digital modeling
ZHANG Shiyang.Computer Science and Landscape Architecture: Interview with Professor Bradley Cantrell, Director of the Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Virginia[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(5):105-109.