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卞晴, 赵晓龙, 刘笑冰
关键词:  风景园林  水体景观  气候调节性  影响因素  气候调节性设计策略
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51878206)
Progress and Prospects of Waterscape Climate Regulation Researches
BIAN Qing, ZHAO Xiaolong, LIU Xiaobing
Harbin Institute of Technology
As extreme climatic conditions occur frequently and the urban “heat island effect” intensifies, scholars at home and abroad have gradually realized that the local cooling effect exerted on the urban thermal environment by the physical properties of natural water elements such as large heat capacity, high latent heat of evaporation, and small reflectivity. Based on the SCI and CNKI, this paper analyzes the development trend of waterscape climate regulation researches in China and other countries since 1986 by virtue of the CiteSpace scientific measurement tool. It summarizes the techniques and methods of climate regulation assessment of waterscape, the effect mechanism and influencing factors. It also clarifies the problems and challenges of the research in expanding the new ideas of empirical research, defining the quantitative design specifications and proposing design strategies based on local conditions. It is intended to a bid to provide a theoretical basis for maximizing climate regulation of waterscape and promoting sustainable development of urban human settlements.
Key words:  landscape architecture  waterscape  climate regulation  influencing factor  climate regulation design strategy
BIAN Qing,ZHAO Xiaolong,LIU Xiaobing.Progress and Prospects of Waterscape Climate Regulation Researches[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(6):88-94.