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潘莹, 白佳钰, 施瑛
关键词:  风景园林  沙垅地貌  潮汕民系  聚落景观  人地关系  适应性景观
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978275);《广州大典》与广州历史文化研究资助专项课题(编号 2019GZB07)
Analysis of Chaoshan Sub-ethnic Coastal Settlements Landscape Adapted to Sand Ridge Landform
PAN Ying, BAI Jiayu, SHI Ying
South China University of Technology
Sand ridge landform is a typical coastal natural landform in the Chaoshan area. This research collects relevant data about the sand ridge landform area by means of data search, historical satellite image collection, field interview and archives research. It adopts the comparative research method to analyze the impacts of such topography on the settlements forms, industry types and disaster prevention systems, and summarizes three settlements landscape patterns: 1) the evolutionary pattern of settlements which are built on high ground and spread to sea, adapted to the development of sand ridge landform; 2) the agricultural landscape pattern and the “Chiku” irrigation model adapted to the temporal evolution and spatial differentiation of sand ridge soil; 3) the multi-level disaster prevention landscape pattern to resist sand storm disasters in the sand ridge landform area. This case study will contribute to a better understanding of the landscape evolution characteristics of Chaoshan sub-ethnic settlements and provide valuable experience for handling the man-land relationship in urban development.
Key words:  landscape architecture  sand ridge landform  Chaoshan sub-ethnic  settlement landscape  man-land relationship  adaptive landscape
PAN Ying,BAI Jiayu,SHI Ying.Analysis of Chaoshan Sub-ethnic Coastal Settlements Landscape Adapted to Sand Ridge Landform[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(6):108-114.