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关键词:  风景园林  晚明  福州  曹学佺  石仓园  复原  造园特征
Research on Layout Restoration and Characteristics of Cao Xuequan’s Shicang Garden in Fuzhou in Late Ming Dynasty
ZHOU Xiangpin, WU Yijing
Tongji University
Shicang Garden is a renowned garden in Fuzhou built by Cao Xuequan in late Ming Dynasty. Its design and construction expressed the common interest and techniques of literati gardens in late Ming Dynasty, and showed distinctive characteristics of gardening in central Fujian region. Based on the analysis of Cao Xuequan’s poetry collection Shicang Poetry and related historical documents, as well as the current terrain of the site, this research tries to restore the full picture of Shicang Garden in its heyday. On this basis, it analyzes the gardening characteristics from the aspects of construction history, layout composition and scenery configuration. The garden presents three main features of late Ming Dynasty: the pursuit of mountain forest seclusion, borrowing natural landscape, and rich plant landscaping. The scenes at the foot of the mountain are set around the big pool. The buildings of the mountain scenic spots are covered in trees, looking simple, sparse and integrated into nature, while ingeniously borrowing the scenery outside the garden, including the surrounding mountains, temples, gardens and villages.
Key words:  landscape architecture  late Ming Dynasty  Fuzhou  Cao Xuequan  Shicang Garden  layout recovery  gardening characteristics
ZHOU Xiangpin,WU Yijing.Research on Layout Restoration and Characteristics of Cao Xuequan’s Shicang Garden in Fuzhou in Late Ming Dynasty[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(6):121-126.