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郭怡妦, 金雅萍
关键词:  景观基础设施  城市更新  城市日常生活  工业水岸  城市水岸
Research of the Industrial Waterfront Transformation along Shanghai Huangpu Riverside from the Perspective of Production of Space
KUO Yifong, JIN Yaping
Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects
Focusing on such issues as post-industrial aesthetics, ecological restoration and industrial transformation and other issues, existing researches on industrial waterfront transformation have failed to reveal the relationship and trend between physical space renewal and urban daily life reconstruction in the process of waterfront transformation from de-industrialization to publicization. This paper, based on the production of space theory of Lefebvre, discusses the value orientation of industrial heritage selection and interpretation, and the design strategy of the boundary of the urban open spaces, through participating in design practice projects, collecting and analyzing related planning and design schemes, criteria and reports of informal planning means and formal planning mechanism in the four key driving events of Huangpu waterfront transformation since 2002. It summarizes that the transformation of industrial waterfront of Huangpu River can be regarded as the practice of landscape urbanism, and expresses the interactive influence from top to bottom and from bottom to top. The research concludes that the non-hierarchical design orientation to the transformation of industrial heritage, is an important factor to promote the diversified daily life of everydayness in urban waterfront.
Key words:  landscape infrastructure  urban renewal  urban daily life  industrial waterfront  urban waterfront
KUO Yifong,JIN Yaping.Research of the Industrial Waterfront Transformation along Shanghai Huangpu Riverside from the Perspective of Production of Space[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(7):30-35.