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魏方1, 常湘琦2, 李世葵3
乌多·维拉赫(Udo Weilacher)教授一直对风景园林设计的各个相关方面很感兴趣,并发表了大量影响深远的出版物。在彼得·拉茨(Peter Latz)的指导下,他在早期研究阶段就对工业景观的改造设计有深刻的见解。现今,他在推广当代风景园林中的结构主义设计思想方面发挥着重要作用。近几年来,他加强了对工业景观改造和景观设计的适当方法的研究。他强调,风景园林设计不再仅仅是创建美丽的花园,而是设计用来生活的复杂空间系统,即景观。
关键词:  工业景观  景观艺术  文化循环  人类世  结构主义
Curious to Understand the Real Complexity of Landscape: Interview with Professor Dr. Udo Weilacher, Technical University of Munich
WEI Fang1, CHANG Xiangqi2, LI Shikui3
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.Tsinghua University;3.Wuhan University of Technology
Professor Dr. Udo Weilacher has always been interested in different relevant aspects of landscape architecture and produced many publications with great influence. Under the guidance of Peter Latz, he early on in his study gained a deep insight into the transformation of industrial landscapes. Today he plays an important role in the promotion of structuralism in contemporary landscape architecture. In recent years he intensified his research on industrial landscape transformation and on appropriate landscape design methods. He stresses that landscape architecture is no longer simply about creating beautiful gardens but about designing complex systems of spaces for life, called landscape.
Key words:  industrial landscape  landscape art  cultural recycling  Anthropocene  structuralism
WEI Fang,CHANG Xiangqi,LI Shikui.Curious to Understand the Real Complexity of Landscape: Interview with Professor Dr. Udo Weilacher, Technical University of Munich[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(7):42-52.