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毛晨悦1, 吴尤2
近年来,针对铁路工业遗址的改造与再利用案例的研究不断拓展,体现出在规划与设计方面逐渐以风景园林为主导的趋势,成为城市工业历史街区更新的重要议题。以费城铁路公园(The Rail Park)整体规划为案例,围绕城市开放空间系统布局、工业历史街区更新、空间营造3个层级来分析铁路公园的规划与设计。铁路公园体现出与城市开放空间系统的连通性较强、沿线城市街区差异性明显、场地空间特征性突出的特点,其规划与设计能够顺应各区段独特的周边城市环境与场地空间条件,采用和而不同、因地制宜的设计理念,进而有助于提升城市空间品质、促进经济发展、加强文化建设。铁路公园的规划与设计为城市工业历史街区更新与工业遗址景观再生提供了新的思路。
关键词:  铁路遗址  景观再生  开放空间系统  工业历史街区更新  空间营造
Adaptation and Renewal: Landscape Regeneration of an Industrial Railway Site in Philadelphia
MAO Chenyue1, WU You2
1.Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts;2.OLIN
Research on the transformation and reuse of industrial railway sites continues to expand, reflecting a growing trend of landscape architecture being the leading factor in planning and design. This change has become a critical topic for th­e renewal of urban industrial historic districts. Taking the masterplan of The Rail Park in Philadelphia as a case study, this article analyzes its planning and design around the three levels:  urban open space framework, industrial historic districts renewal, and place-making. The railway park robust connectivity with the urban open space system, significant distinctions in urban blocks along the route, and remnant site features. Its planning and design adapt to the unique surrounding urban environment and site conditions of each section. The proposed harmonious and site-specific design improves the quality of urban space, promotes economic development, and strengthens cultural diversity. The planning and design of The Rail Park provide new ideas for the renewal of urban industrial historic blocks and the regeneration of industrial sites.
Key words:  railway site  landscape regeneration  urban public space framework  industrial historic district renewal  place-making
MAO Chenyue,WU You.Adaptation and Renewal: Landscape Regeneration of an Industrial Railway Site in Philadelphia[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(7):62-67.