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刘剑1, 陈跃中2, 王斌2
关键词:  后工业景观设计  首钢园区  冬奥会组委会办公区
Pouring Vitality and Reconstructing Memory: Analysis on Landscape Design in Partial Plot of Office Area of Winter Olympic Games Organizing Committee in Shougang Park
LIU Jian1, CHEN Yuezhong2, WANG Bin2
1.China Agricultural University;2.Ecoland Planning and Design Corp.
The landscape design plots are located in the office area of the Organizing Committee of the Winter Olympic Games in the Winter Olympic Square area of Shougang North Park including the Entrance Square of the exhibition center of the Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games, Starbucks coffee shop and the North Seven Cylinder office area. In the context of the entry of the Organizing Committee of the Winter Olympic Games, and through the re-excavation of the industrial relics, the design realizes the traffic organization, activity bearing and atmosphere construction that are compatible with the new functions of the building, so as to rejuvenate the site. The design reconstructs and shapes the original industrial elements, retains and utilizes the historical information of Shougang to the maximum extent, and reconstructs the site memory by infusing new events, scenes, elements and images.
Key words:  post-industrial landscape design  Shougang Park  office area of Winter Olympic Games Organizing Committee
LIU Jian,CHEN Yuezhong,WANG Bin.Pouring Vitality and Reconstructing Memory: Analysis on Landscape Design in Partial Plot of Office Area of Winter Olympic Games Organizing Committee in Shougang Park[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(7):73-78.