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王春晓1, 黄佳雯1, 林广思2
关键词:  绿道  绿道游径系统  绿道选线  绿色基础设施  绿色交通
基金项目:深圳大学新引进教师科研启动项目(编号 2018076);广东省哲学社会科学规划基金项目(编号 GD19YYS09)
Research on Urban Greenway Planning Methods Based on Suitability Evaluation
WANG Chunxiao1, HUANG Jiawen1, LIN Guangsi2
1.Shenzhen University;2.South China University of Technology
Urban greenways are restricted by urban built-up environments and influenced by many factors. It is hard to judge whether the selected greenway route is the best scheme through subjective evaluation. A multi-source data fusion evaluation method is necessary to meet the actual demand in planning. This research, with urban greenway as objective, based on the analysis of domestic and foreign researches and practice of urban greenways planning, apply the analytic hierarchy process(ahp), Delphi method and other methods, establishes the importance weights of multi-factor comprehensive suitability evaluation model. Then, the quantitative evaluation method with the multi-element composite overlay analysis is recommended. In the end, on the basis of suitability evaluation model in the case of the Longgang district of Shenzhen City, the urban greenway planning layout optimization method using space superposition in GIS, as well as the hierarchical planning guidance is put forward, to provide scientific reference for the evaluation, planning and construction of urban greenways.
Key words:  greenway  greenway trail system  greenway selection  green infrastructure  green traffic
WANG Chunxiao,HUANG Jiawen,LIN Guangsi.Research on Urban Greenway Planning Methods Based on Suitability Evaluation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(7):108-113.