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李正祥1, 陆诺南2, 张元曦1, 郑晓笛1
1.清华大学;2.澳大利亚Taylor Cullity Lethlean景观设计事务所
关键词:  风景园林  后工业  城市复兴  商务区景观  织联  文化艺术驱动
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51878368)
Business District Landscape Interlacing Urban Regeneration : “Library of Trees” in Porta Nuova, Milan
LI Zhengxiang1, LU Nuonan2, ZHANG Yuanxi1, ZHENG Xiaodi1
1.Tsinghua University;2.Taylor Cullity Lethlean Landscape and Urban Design, Australia
In the context of urban regeneration, business district projects can drive the transformation of urban vacant land, brownfield and other existing construction land into the link of urban development. However, due to the characteristics of land use, business districts have often restricted excellent landscape construction and urban green space development. By summarizing the attributes of modern business districts and discussing the characteristics and development possibilities of landscape design in relevant practices, this paper cites the Library of Trees, a key open space of the Porta Nuova Business District Project in Milan, Italy, to generalize the design strategy of interlacing the plane and grading, planting design and public participation driven by art and culture, and achieve the desired value of many stakeholders in the form of combining business district park, plaza and botanical garden. This combination of business district projects and design in the case study made a positive impact on regional and urban development in the perspectives of economy, environment, community development, and cultural cognition, and can provide new ideas for landscape design in urban regeneration in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  post-industrial  urban regeneration  business district landscape  interlacing  culture-and-art driven
LI Zhengxiang,LU Nuonan,ZHANG Yuanxi,ZHENG Xiaodi.Business District Landscape Interlacing Urban Regeneration : “Library of Trees” in Porta Nuova, Milan[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(8):76-80.