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李倞, 杨璐
关键词:  风景园林  公共健康  疫情  热点议题  规划设计  管理  保障机制
Discussion on Hot Topics of Landscape Architecture Focusing on Public Health in the Post-epidemic Era
LI Liang, YANG Lu
Beijing Forestry University
In the post-epidemic era, China will enter a new stage of public health development. The social attention to public health provides unprecedented opportunities and challenges for landscape architecture, which plays a vital role in public health improvement and epidemic prevention and control. Based on the prediction of long-term public health improvement and emergency requirements in the future, changes in the work and life of residents affected by the outbreak, and the mechanism of the landscape architecture to improve public health, this research puts forward the hot topic framework of landscape architecture and public health in the post-epidemic era, covering seven directions in three aspects. In terms of planning and design, it focuses on the optimization of the park and greenbelt system based on the community life circle, to build diversified neighborhood green space with an emphasis on availability, and enhance the role of parks and greenbelts reserved for epidemic prevention and emergency services. In terms of management, it carries out the operation of health improvement projects and events in the parks and greenbelts, and the construction of detailed management system of parks focusing on public health. In terms of the guarantee mechanism, it launches the evaluation of public health benefits and the expansion of funding acquisition and participates in multi-cooperation in the new era of public health actively and deeply.
Key words:  landscape architecture  public health  epidemic  hot topic  planning and design  management  guarantee mechanism
LI Liang,YANG Lu.Discussion on Hot Topics of Landscape Architecture Focusing on Public Health in the Post-epidemic Era[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(9):10-16.