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(美)马修·布朗宁1, (泰)彭瑟刚·萨布卡特派桑2, 姜珊3, (美)安贾利·约瑟夫1, 翁羽西4, 袁帅1
关键词:  风景园林  绿色空间  建成环境  仿真模拟  公共健康  环境心理学  沉浸式虚拟环境  实验研究
分类号:TP391.98; TU985.3/.7
Human Health Assessments of Green Infrastructure Designs Using Virtual Reality
(USA) Matthew Browning1, (THA) Pongsakorn Suppakittpaisarn2, JIANG Shan3, (USA) Anjali Joseph1, WENG Yuxi4, YUAN Shuai1
1.Clemson University;2.Chiang Mai University;3.West Virginia University;4.Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
Rapid urbanization inadvertently separates people from the natural landscapes in which we evolved. This disconnect can impact human health and cognitive functioning by exposing people to increased levels of pollution and limiting people's opportunities for physical activity. Built environment researchers may prevent the negative effects of urbanization through studying and providing empirical-based recommendations for green infrastructure, such as nature parks, bioswales, green walls, and street trees. Determining which infrastructure elements improve health and wellbeing for their clients and future users is challenging. However, researchers can use virtual reality (VR) to compare the benefits of different infrastructure elements to inform design interventions. VR can require relatively little cost and technical expertise. Users are transported into immersive virtual worlds where their psychological and physiological responses can be collected to predict the long-term health and cognitive functioning impacts of each design option. In the current essay, we provide a methodological overview of VR systems, content creation, study design, health outcome measurement, and safety recommendations. Our goal is to provide the reader with an understanding of how VR may be employed as a research and therapeutic tool for improving health outcomes related to green infrastructure as well as to provide an elementary set of tools and knowledge to use VR in their research.
Key words:  landscape architecture  green space  built environments  simulations  public health  environmental psychology  immersive virtual environments  experimental research
(USA) Matthew Browning,(THA) Pongsakorn Suppakittpaisarn,JIANG Shan,(USA) Anjali Joseph,WENG Yuxi,YUAN Shuai.Human Health Assessments of Green Infrastructure Designs Using Virtual Reality[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(9):35-49.