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建成环境满意度对乡村新型社区居民自评健康的影响分析——以成都市远郊 4 个社区为例
王兰, 张苏榕, 杨秀
关键词:  风景园林  新型乡村社区  建成环境满意度  自评健康  影响要素
Impacts of Built Environment Satisfaction on Self-Rated Health Outcomes in New Types of Village Communities: A Case Study of Four Communities in Chengdu Outskirts
WANG Lan, ZHANG Surong, YANG Xiu
Tongji University
In the research field of healthy city, most studies focus on the built environment of urban areas. Researches on the built environment of healthy rural communities are inadequate in China. Applying individual self-rated health in the researches of healthy rural areas is of positive significance to promote studies of healthy villages and towns. This study listed four village communities in Pujiang County, Chengdu City of Sichuan Province as typical cases. Questionnaire surveys with individual villagers were carried out, and obtained 411 questionnaire samples. On this basis, it analyzed the characteristics of the self-rated health results of the new type rural community residents, and explored the impacts of the built environment on the self-rated health of the residents. The results show the environmental perception indicators that significantly affect residents' self-rated health in new types of village communities are: satisfaction of housing quality, traffic facilities, sports facilities, nursery facilities, village greening and health environment. Combined with field investigations and in-depth interviews, this study puts forward suggestions on the planning and design of new types of village communities from the perspective of health.
Key words:  landscape architecture  new types of village communities  built environment satisfaction  self-rated health  influential factors
引用本文:王兰,张苏榕,杨秀.建成环境满意度对乡村新型社区居民自评健康的影响分析——以成都市远郊 4 个社区为例[J].风景园林,2020,27(9):57-62.
WANG Lan,ZHANG Surong,YANG Xiu.Impacts of Built Environment Satisfaction on Self-Rated Health Outcomes in New Types of Village Communities: A Case Study of Four Communities in Chengdu Outskirts[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(9):57-62.