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(泰)彭瑟刚·萨布卡特派桑1, (泰)维帕微·素琳桑1, (泰)朱拉叻·瓦尼查雅派实1, (泰)艾格猜·亚批蒙1, 徐琴2
关键词:  风景园林  生态系统服务  森林恢复  城市规划  食物基础设施  基于设计的研究  泰国北部
Healthy Ecosystem Services and Healthy Human Settlements: Opportunities and Challenges in Northern Thailand
(THA) Pongsakorn Suppakittpaisarn1, (THA) Vipavee Surinseng1, (THA) Chulalux Wanitchayapaisit1, (THA) Ekachai Yaipimol1, XU Qin2
1.Chiang Mai University;2.Chongqing University
Healthy ecosystems are important for human health. There is a need for designers, planners, and researchers to collaborate in order to create the resilient built environments for both environmental and human well-being. However, the current research findings may be difficult to apply to specific context in actual settlements. In each settlement, urban or rural, designers, planners, and researchers need to understand the existing in contexts and issues to provide adequate research and design questions, which will lead to providing the solutions. These gaps between knowledge and implementation may result in the delay of progress. This study examined three built environment issues found in Northern Thailand via the perspectives of an urban planner, landscape architects, and researchers including environmental justice, food security, and clean air. The directions that such collaboration can move forward, involving evidence-based design, research methods, and design evaluation were then discussed. A new paradigm was proposed to improve the relationships between healthy ecosystem and healthy human settlements.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecosystem service  forest restoration  urban planning  food infrastructure  research-by-design  northern Thailand
(THA) Pongsakorn Suppakittpaisarn,(THA) Vipavee Surinseng,(THA) Chulalux Wanitchayapaisit,(THA) Ekachai Yaipimol,XU Qin.Healthy Ecosystem Services and Healthy Human Settlements: Opportunities and Challenges in Northern Thailand[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(9):77-88.