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叶枫, 李辉, 徐艳
关键词:  风景园林  城市湿地  自然空间规划  城市生态系统  生态设计
Ecological Thinking Over Shenzhen Natural Spatial Planning in the Context of Regional Integration of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
YE Feng, LI Hui, XU Yan
BLY Landscape and Architecture Planning and Design Institute
Natural space has a great significance to urban ecological patterns. This study integrates the planning experience within biodiversity protection and urban ecology to explore the approaches of protecting urban natural space from the ecological viewpoint. It takes the Wetland Planning of Shenzhen as a case, which is based on wetland resources survey and evaluation to afford specific advices: 1) Wetland protection planning should make a breakthrough from “zero”. 2) Urban natural space management and control should be carried out in a scientific way, and scientific protection and rational utilization should be laid more emphasis on coordinated development. 3) The reasonable interference and interaction between urban natural space and city should be attached, and the research and protection of biodiversity in urban natural space should be strengthened.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban wetland  natural spatial planning  urban ecosystem  ecological design
YE Feng,LI Hui,XU Yan.Ecological Thinking Over Shenzhen Natural Spatial Planning in the Context of Regional Integration of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(10):19-22.