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殷学文, 于光宇
关键词:  风景园林  公园城市  中心城区  福田区  公园活力区  公园社区  深圳
Central Urban Area in the Park: Research on Futian Park City Construction Path
YIN Xuewen, YU Guangyu
Urban Planning and Design Institution of Shenzhen
To develop the park city has become an important strategy for high-quality urban city development in recent years. According to the research of related theories and background, with the practice of promoting park city in Futian District, it is discussed that the difficulties and challenges of park city establishment in city central areas. Taking the overall vision of building “a city central in the park”, Futian District proposes two levels of innovative goals. The first is to build a park city vitality network based on green spaces, as well as integrate parks, public spaces and public services; the second comes to merge parks into citizen life in a people-oriented way, from creating the spaces to shaping the lifestyles. The implementation of establishing Futian Park City with the three strategies of strengthening connection, integrating park and city, and improving the vitality, provides a reference for park city establishment in city central areas.
Key words:  landscape architecture  park city  central city district  Futian District  park vitality district  park community  Shenzhen
YIN Xuewen,YU Guangyu.Central Urban Area in the Park: Research on Futian Park City Construction Path[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(10):27-31.