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关键词:  风景园林  景观生态网络  生态系统服务  空间优先级  生态空间体系  景观绩效提升  方法框架
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51978479);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 22120200082)
Landscape Ecological Network Planning: Ecological Spaces System Building from Spatial Structural Priority to Ecosystem Services Improvement
SHEN Jiake, WANG Yuncai
Tongji University
The expansion of cities has led to the destruction of habitats and the decline of ecosystem services, which result in the aggravation of urban ecological risks. Landscape ecological network planning is the main way to solve this contradiction and respond to the national ecological civilization policy. Based on the summary of existing traditional landscape ecological network planning methods and shortcomings, this research constructs a conceptual and methodological framework for the overall optimization of the ecological network based on the spatial priority integrating function and structure, which aims to improve ecosystem service performance. The framework responds to the need for ecological space system planning under the system of territory spatial planning, and highlights four core strategies: key ecosystem service diagnosis based on urban ecological risks, identification of ecological sources integrating ecological resources supply and human society demands, extraction of corridors and structural modification of network following the ecosystem service delivery process and combined with urban development and planning, and ecological land use structure scheme development stressing the maximal value of ecological network function and structure, aiming at exploring the ecological network planning path to adapt to the expansion of cities and improve the comprehensive efficiency of ecosystem services.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape ecological network  ecosystem services  spatial priority  ecological spatial system  landscape performance enhancement  method framework
SHEN Jiake,WANG Yuncai.Landscape Ecological Network Planning: Ecological Spaces System Building from Spatial Structural Priority to Ecosystem Services Improvement[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(10):37-42.