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赵警卫, 唐婷
关键词:  风景园林  游览体验  情景模拟  拥挤感  游人密度  道路宽度
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学一般项目(编号 16YJA760052)
Impacts of Tourist Density and Road Width on Urban Green Space Tour Experience
ZHAO Jingwei, TANG Ting
China University of Mining and Technology
To understand the impact of tourist density and road width on urban green space tour experience, we specifically created 30 simulated scenarios which involved 2 widths of roads, 5 levels of tourist density and 3 types of urban green space, to inquire people’s willingness of visiting these places via online questionnaires. The main conclusions include: 1) A moderate visitor density can improve visiting experience in all types of urban green space. When two tourists appear within the visible range of an environment, the evaluators give the optimum tour experience in artificial green space, while the best visitor number in natural green space is four. 2) The width of road has less impact on people’s willingness to visit. 3) In general, the most important factor affecting the tour experience is the density of tourists. Once the number of tourists exceeds or falls below the optimum density, the tour experience will deteriorate accordingly. The conclusion may provide guidance for optimizing the design management of tour experience in urban green space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  tour experience  scenario simulation  perceived crowding  visitor density  path width
ZHAO Jingwei,TANG Ting.Impacts of Tourist Density and Road Width on Urban Green Space Tour Experience[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(10):106-111.