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万敏, 王之羿, 潘莹紫
关键词:  风景园林  江汉平原  区域风景特色  湖河网络  八景系统
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51678258,63004401)
A Study on Regional Landscape Characteristics of Jianghan Plain Based on “Eight Scenes” System of Water Network
WAN Min, WANG Zhiyi, PAN Yingzi
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
The study superimposed the change range of the ancient Yunmeng Marsh in Jianghan Plain of different times to form a lake circle. Then a “one-circle, five-axis” river system network based on the five rivers that flow into or out of the circle were built. Taking the town on the axis as the node, the study established the node town system of “twelve points and five islands”. Based on this overall framework, it examined the types, composition, characteristics and evolution of the “Eight Scenes” of the node town, to analyze and understand the scenic characteristics of the Jianghan Plain area. Through word cloud analysis of the “Eight Scenes” of “Twelve Points and Five Islands”, the characteristics of the lakes, rivers, pavilions, as well as the moon scenery, ancient scenery and sunny scenery in Jianghan Plain were revealed. Based on the horizontal system of the “Eight Scenes”, it was analyzed that the majestic spirit of great rivers flowing into the sea and the creativity of landscape and pavilions in the plain. Meanwhile, based on the longitudinal system of the “Eight Scenes”, the study further figured out the landscape pattern in the Shangjiang axis geographical section and the corresponding coordination of the “Eight Scenes”, and the “gracefully fascinating Hubei” characteristics as shown in the natural geographical sections of other axes with the enormous changes of the space and massif height.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Jianghan Plain  regional landscape characteristics  water network  the “Eight Scenes” system
WAN Min,WANG Zhiyi,PAN Yingzi.A Study on Regional Landscape Characteristics of Jianghan Plain Based on “Eight Scenes” System of Water Network[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(11):10-15.