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毛华松1, 漆媛媛2
关键词:  风景园林  历史语境  区域风景  营建机制  严州古城
Research on Construction Mechanism of Regional Landscape in Historical Context: A Case Study of Yanzhou Ancient Town
MAO Huasong1, QI Yuanyuan2
1.Chongqing University;2.People's Government Office of Jinniu District, Chengdu City
The research on regional landscape construction mechanism under historical context is beneficial to breaking through the static research status limited to landscape material space and restoring the complex relationship among historical landscape, regional landscape, politics and economy. This paper takes the Yanzhou Ancient Town as an example, which keeps the original site, well-preserved remains and continuous historical data. The classification of historical gardens is based on the cognition of construction subjects, and the analysis is combined with typical spaces distribution, construction subject and reconstruction frequency. This paper summarizes three features of regional landscape construction, which are spatial distribution based on advantageous landscape resources, multi-type practice based on landscape construction subject, and key scenic spots under the influence of humanity and nature. The research systematically explains the natural, political, and social factors that affect the formation of regional landscapes. It is of theoretical and practical significance for understanding and inheriting the historical experience of Chinese regional landscape construction.
Key words:  landscape architecture  historical context  regional landscape  construction mechanism  Yanzhou ancient town
MAO Huasong,QI Yuanyuan.Research on Construction Mechanism of Regional Landscape in Historical Context: A Case Study of Yanzhou Ancient Town[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(11):23-28.