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杨建辉, 周庆华
关键词:  陕北窑居聚落  雨洪管控  水利风景营构  布局模式  地域性  风景园林
基金项目:宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划重大(重点)项目(编号 2019BBF02014)
Construction and Practice of Water Conservancy Landscape of Cave Dwelling Settlements in Northern Shaanxi from the Perspective of Stormwater Management
YANG Jianhui, ZHOU Qinghua
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
For the aspect of topography and human activities, a systematic and distinctive water conservancy landscape of cave dwelling settlement has been formed in northern Shaanxi. In a view point of regional design work, this paper discusses the formation mechanism and basic features of the water conservancy landscape of cave settlements in northern Shaanxi. It reviewed the traditional experience of the water conservancy landscape form and summarized the technical characteristics formation of cave dwelling settlement from the way of stormwater management. Focusing on the core contradictions in the spatial and elements of specific stormwater management goals in different settlement sites. It constructed 6 typical design forms of water conservancy elements based on traditional wisdom and modern LID technology in all, meanwhile, it brings out specific strategies for the protection of water conservancy landscapes and takes it as the master plan practices base.
Key words:  cave dwelling settlements in northern Shaanxi  stormwater management  water conservancy landscape  spatial design model  regional design  landscape architecture
YANG Jianhui,ZHOU Qinghua.Construction and Practice of Water Conservancy Landscape of Cave Dwelling Settlements in Northern Shaanxi from the Perspective of Stormwater Management[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(11):35-41.