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王雪原1, 周燕2, 禹佳宁2
关键词:  风景园林  城市扩张模拟  水文区位分析  元胞自动机  绿色基础设施  内涝风险评估
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(编号 51708426);中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(编号 2042018kf0250)
Evolution of Green Infrastructure Layout and Waterlogging Risk Assessment Based on Cellular Automata Simulation of Urban Expansion: A Case Study of Wuhan City
WANG Xueyuan1, ZHOU Yan2, YU Jianing2
1.Southeast University;2.Wuhan University
Wuhan is one of the cities with the fastest urbanization development progress in the middle area of China. The green infrastructure that provides important ecosystem services is facing problems such as space replacement, total reduction, and structural fragmentation under the expansion of built areas. Starting from the stormwater regulation and storage function of green infrastructure, this paper analyzes the spatial patterns and hydrological locations of green infrastructure in Wuhan with data of topography, land use type, interpreted remote sensing images, etc. To simulate urban expansion, the paper calculates the transformation probability to construct a cellular automaton model by integrating the development guidance and spatial control constraints of the growth of built areas as operating rules. The pattern evolution and waterlogging risks of various green infrastructures caused by urban expansion are analyzed. It disclosed that the key hydrological locations in Wuhan are sensitive and easily occupied in urban expansion, and the built areas face the risk of waterlogging caused by the decline of the regulation and storage function. It is hard to avoid conflicts among different land uses in urban expansion. As a natural carrier of urban stormwater regulation and storage, green infrastructure plays a structural and fundamental role in the benign cycle of the urban hydrological processes. Protecting areas that are highly sensitive, easily occupied, and have key hydrological functions in urban development and establishing a multi-level control system according to the risk level assessed is of great significance for protecting the green infrastructure and preventing waterlogging in Wuhan.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban sprawl simulation  hydrologic zoning analysis  cellular automata  green infrastructure  waterlogging risk assessment
WANG Xueyuan,ZHOU Yan,YU Jianing.Evolution of Green Infrastructure Layout and Waterlogging Risk Assessment Based on Cellular Automata Simulation of Urban Expansion: A Case Study of Wuhan City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(11):50-56.