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刘文平, 陈倩, 黄子秋
关键词:  风景园林  研究主题  未来挑战  21 世纪
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(编号 2662019PY046)
International Research Focuses and Future Challenges of Landscape Architecture in the 21st Century
LIU Wenping, CHEN Qian, HUANG Ziqiu
Huazhong Agricultural University
With the acceleration of global urbanization since the begining of 21st century, the challenges of climate and ecological environment changes, population growth and cultural diversification have become increasingly severe. The landscape architecture discipline, which focuses on harmonizing the relationship between man and nature, has been proved to benefit human well-being, actively promote multi-disciplinary cooperation and expand the connotation of the discipline in addressing and mitigating these challenges. To comprehensively figure out the international status and future challenges in the development of landscape architecture, this paper sorts out the literature published in English between 2000 and 2020, and discusses the future challenges and countermeasures. The findings reveal that landscape architecture has made positive progress in climate change, ecological environment, green infrastructure, built environment, cultural landscape, human well-being, landscape performance, management, big data and tool innovation in the past 20 years. However, it still faces big challenges in solving food and ecological crisis, building a more inclusive living environment, promoting interdisciplinary cooperation, and enhancing practical education. In the future, landscape architecture should be further strengthened in the aspects of multi-scale relevance and systematic research, interdisciplinary cooperation and application of new technologies.
Key words:  landscape architecture  research themes  future challenges  21st century
LIU Wenping,CHEN Qian,HUANG Ziqiu.International Research Focuses and Future Challenges of Landscape Architecture in the 21st Century[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(11):75-81.