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张雨洋, 刘宁睿, 龙瀛
关键词:  体育锻炼  传导过程  人本视角  健康结局  公共健康
基金项目:通往健康城市之路项目(Wellcome Trust 基金会资助,编号 209376/Z/17/Z);中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站前,编号 2019TQ0166)
Research on Healthy Neighborhood Evaluation System Based on the Combined Perspectives of Urban Planning and Public Health
ZHANG Yuyang, LIU Ningrui, LONG Ying
Tsinghua University
Neighborhoods are places where people spend the most time in their lives. Neighborhoods have a decisive impact on the residents' health. With several important tasks, including the transformation of old neighborhoods, the maintenance of existing neighborhoods, and the construction of new neighborhoods in the future, a scientific and reasonable evaluation standard is urgently needed to guide the development of healthy neighborhoods. To build the evaluation system, this paper first clarifies the principles for selecting evaluation indicators, which include: 1) the indicators are selected from a humanistic perspective; 2) the pathways between neighborhoods environment and health outcomes are deeply considered; 3) the indicators are selected from multiple scales. Secondly, based on the combined perspectives of urban planning and public health, it identifies the indicators that affect the residents' health in neighborhoods and searches the literature through the quality assessment to provide evidence to support the accuracy and effectiveness of the indicators. Finally, it proposes prospect to the evaluation, including 1) it is urgent to improve and utilize the healthy neighborhoods based on the Chinese condition; 2) advanced technologies need to be widely applied in neighborhoods in the future; 3) the transitions in cities should be considered in the future development of neighborhoods. It hopes that relevant researchers and government leaders to realize the importance and urgency of healthy neighborhoods to build more healthy neighborhoods in China.
Key words:  physical activities  pathways  humanistic perspective  health outcomes  public health
ZHANG Yuyang,LIU Ningrui,LONG Ying.Research on Healthy Neighborhood Evaluation System Based on the Combined Perspectives of Urban Planning and Public Health[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(11):96-103.