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邵钰涵1, 薛贞颖1, (英)凯文·斯韦茨2, 殷雨婷2
关键词:  风景园林  人本主义  空间营造  公众参与  技术革新  感知引导法
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51678417,51808393);中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(编号 BJFUKF201902)
Exploration of Public Participation Method from the Humanistic Perspective: Perception Stimulation
SHAO Yuhan1, XUE Zhenying1, (GBR) Kevin Thwaites2, YIN Yuting2
1.Tongji University;2.University of Sheffield
Some scholars believe that formalism and utilitarianism in the process of space creation are precisely the reasons why humanism theories and practices have failed to establish an effective connection for a long time, causing problems such as the loss of urban space local identity and the weakening of social connections with users. Public participation is an important step in all kinds of planning practices. However, the exploration of public participation methods and scales varies largely. This paper raises a new public participation method — perception stimulation, which starts from a discussion on the principles, methods and practices of public participation, as well as on the existing major public participation methods of their advantages and disadvantages. The perception stimulation is a participatory method developed on the basis of environmental psychology to obtain the will of the public. It includes four major steps, which are ‘stimulate, guidance, capture and identification’, characterized with flexibility, accuracy, efficiency and inclusiveness. This method not only guarantees the depth and breadth of public participation, but also tries to overcome communication barriers between different groups by involving newly developed technologies. It provides a new perspective for researches carried out on the public participation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  humanism  place making  public participation  technology innovation  perception stimulation
SHAO Yuhan,XUE Zhenying,(GBR) Kevin Thwaites,YIN Yuting.Exploration of Public Participation Method from the Humanistic Perspective: Perception Stimulation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(11):116-122.