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(美)玛莎·施瓦茨1, (美)伊迪丝·卡茨1, 李致2, 胡一可2
当前,风景园林师的气候危机(CC)教育强调“弹性”(快速恢复能力)和适应力(应对CC影响的能力)。探索并倡导缓解方案,以期从根源上解决CC问题。该实践表明,风景园林专业地位独特,在缓解及修复气候变化方面发挥着重要作用。专家一致认为,应对气候变化不能仅依靠减排或减少化石燃料消耗量。联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)2019年发布的《全球增暖1.5 ℃特别报告》指出,过量二氧化碳已带来诸多全球变暖的后果,必须采取其他行动减少碳排量。大气脱碳的应对方案与风景园林专业直接相关,其中陆上气候应对方案是公认途径,可减少人为诱发的二氧化碳排放量。基于地球工程学(GE)探讨了一系列方法,总结可纳入风景园林师工具箱的诸多补救措施,并通过代表案例分析各种措施的实际应用。这些工具中有许多涉及设置不同规模的自然和生物系统,且需要相对较长的时间才能发挥生态效用。因此,除了短期策略,本研究也将讨论基于前沿技术的GE工具以避免灾难性影响,并提出在必要情况下,可以采用减缓与减排相结合的方式。
关键词:  大气脱碳  陆上气候应对方案  地球工程学(GE)  气候干预  减缓气候变化  气候修复  风景园林在应对气候变化中的作用  碳汇  二氧化碳脱除(CDR)  太阳能辐射管理(SRM)
The Designer’s Geoengineering Toolkit: Crisis Creates Opportunities for Landscape Architects to Reverse, Repair and Regenerate the Earth’s Climate
(USA) Martha Schwartz1, (USA) Edith Katz1, LI Zhi2, HU Yike2
1.Harvard University;2.Tianjin University
Currently, education of landscape architects to address the climate crisis (CC) and its impacts emphasize resiliency (the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties) and adaptation (coping with impacts of CC). We explore and advocate for mitigation which goes to the root cause of CC. This approach reveals that the profession of landscape architecture is uniquely situated to play a significant role in climate change mitigation, and climate repair. Scientific experts agree that lowering emissions and transitioning out of fossil fuel consumption will not be enough. Special Report Global Warming 1.5℃ (IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2019): Other actions are needed to lower carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere that have already ‘baked-in’ global warming consequences. “Decarbonizing” solutions are directly relevant to the profession of landscape architecture. Many recognized methods are land-based initiatives which can aid in the drawdown of anthropogenically induced atmospheric carbon dioxide greenhouse gas accumulations. We discuss such methods within the context of geoengineering (GE) and examine a spectrum of such remedies, as tools, with exemplary projects to demonstrate how they are being employed by landscape architects. Many of these tools involve natural and biological systems deployed at various scales of application that require relatively long timescales to make important contributions towards mitigation. Therefore, advanced techno-scientific GE tools are also discussed as we look at strategies that may be needed in the shorter term to avert catastrophic impacts, should this become necessary, when combined with mitigation and emission reductions.
Key words:  atmospheric decarbonization  land-based climate solutions  geoengineering (GE)  climate intervention  climate change mitigation  climate repair  landscape architecture role in climate change  carbon sinks  carbon dioxide removal  solar radiation management
(USA) Martha Schwartz,(USA) Edith Katz,LI Zhi,HU Yike.The Designer’s Geoengineering Toolkit: Crisis Creates Opportunities for Landscape Architects to Reverse, Repair and Regenerate the Earth’s Climate[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(12):10-25.