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陈崇贤, 刘京一
关键词:  风景园林  应对策略  沿海城市景观  气候变化  海平面上升
基金项目:广东省自然科学基金(编号 2018A0303130017)
Landscape Strategies and Enlightenment of Foreign Coastal Cities to Cope with Sea Level Rise Under Impact of Climate Change
CHEN Chongxian, LIU Jingyi
South China Agricultural University
How to cope with the sea level rise caused by global climate change has become one of the key issues to be solved for the future development of coastal cities. By using literature review and comparative analysis, this research has summarized the impact of sea level rise and the adaptive development framework formulated by foreign coastal cities. The results show that the exploration and research on different urban landscape coping strategies mainly involve coastal land use, defensive infrastructure construction, natural dynamic processes, and application of landscape technologies. The advantages and disadvantages vary from different adaptive strategies. These findings can be used as a reference for the development of landscape adaptability strategies, exploration of new technologies and methods of landscape engineering, and strengthening of landscape risk assessment and monitoring for the future development of coastal cities in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  coping strategy  coastal urban landscape  climate change  sea level rise
CHEN Chongxian,LIU Jingyi.Landscape Strategies and Enlightenment of Foreign Coastal Cities to Cope with Sea Level Rise Under Impact of Climate Change[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(12):32-37.