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(比利时)布鲁诺·德·梅尔德1, (比利时)凯利·香农1, 周尤美2
关键词:  风景园林  农业生态区  水都市主义  沿海退耕还林  森林都市主义  流动性转移  当地材料
Adaptation & Resistance: Vietnamese Context-Specific Responses to Climate Change
(BEL) Bruno De Meulder1, (BEL) Kelly Shannon1, ZHOU Youmei2
1.KU Leuven;2.Tongji University
The article begins with a critical stance towards the contemporary development of responses towards climate change. It makes the hypothesis that a near-generic toolkit is rendering landscapes worldwide as more and more generic. It suggests a reversal of logics and develops design scenarios with geographic as well as socio-cultural specificity from which principles can be distilled and reiterated in similar contexts. It denies a universality of space and the growing reliance on performance criteria, but instead underscores the power of cultural appropriations and geographic specificities. In order to illustrate the hypothesis, the paper turns its focus to a series of recent projects in Vietnam, designed by the authors and others in collaboration with Vietnamese partners. Ultimately, six principles are developed in response to climate change. All the principles are anchored in a careful reading of the site-specific and innate logics of landscapes—inextricably tied to their ecological foundation and social and cultural formation. The proposed strategies work to bridge the divide between the dichotomies of economy and ecology, culture and nature and urbanism and landscape, while adapting to new challenges brought by climate change and resisting generic responses.
Key words:  landscape architecture  agro-ecological zone  water urbanism  coastal re-afforestation  forest urbanism  mobility shift  local materials
(BEL) Bruno De Meulder,(BEL) Kelly Shannon,ZHOU Youmei.Adaptation & Resistance: Vietnamese Context-Specific Responses to Climate Change[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(12):38-52.